Sami The Seal


Well, the girls have been sick on and off for about two months.  Shawn and I and I'm sure the girls are sick of being sick!!!  Last Thursday the girls woke up with a bad cough and I feared the worse, they're sick again!  Shawn and I both went to work thinking they have only another virus/cold.  Unfortunately,  they were worse than we thought.  Adisyn was really struggling to breathe.  Shawn called their doctor and she was unable to see them.  She recommended Phoenix Children's Hospital Urgent Care.  We enjoyed our visit nonetheless.  Adisyn had a high fever and low oxygen saturation.  The doctor we initially saw was having a hard time determining whether  to give her a breathing treatment or get an x-ray and determine if she has pneumonia.  We ended up getting an x-ray and sure enough she was diagnosed with pneumonia.  Yesterday the girls were getting worse again so Shawn took them back to the doctor.  This time we feel that they received the medication we were finally comfortable with... Albuterol.  They each got a really strong antibiotic to help with the infection if their lungs, eye drops for the infection in their eyes, and Sami.  I have a feeling this blue seal will be in our lives for awhile.  Sami is a at home albuterol breathing treatment.  It's possible the girls will grow out of asthma or needing albuterol, but with Shawn's history they may not.  We are just so happy they are getting what they need to get better.  These restless nights remind me of having twin newborns again.  

Daddy holding Adisyn while waiting to hear what next

Getting set up for an x-ray

Adisyn listened so well, she was a trooper
Adiysn doing her first breathing treatment

Ava doing her first breathing treatment

This is the sickest my angels have been, so for me this was extremely difficult to see.  Fortunately I have Shawn through the hard times.  He has been such an amazing Dad.  The girls even talked Daddy into painting their nails.  He tried but did not do a very good job, so we'll see if they ask for a mani/pedi today from Mommy.  

Girls Day + baby Brock


Yesterday was such an amazing, fun, tiring day. 
Shawn made us a delicous breakfast while the girls and I got ready.  We met with my sister, my Mom, and baby Brock.  We started with lunch at Kona.  The weather was beautiful so we sat on the patio.  After lunch we headed to the zoo.  Which is where we spent 3.5 hrs.  It was such a gorgous day out so naturally the zoo was a little crowded.  We got some sweet treats and by the end we were all exhausted and ready to head home for some shut eye.  Even though I love my Husband dearly, it was nice to have some time away.  We all had so much fun!

The girls were feeding Brock french fries


Adisyn wore her glasses most of the time.

Brock did so good, he was content just hanging out in his stroller

LOVE my babies!


Even though the Cardinals were not apart of the Super Bowl we still enjoyed it!  Since the girls were still trying to get better and we wanted a low key celebration, we stayed in by ourselves.  In the end it was a good game.  We made the most delicious nachos I have ever had!  They were awesome!  Shawn also made some guacomole accompained by some good cervezas. 

We even made our own nacho cheeze. Thanks Rachel Ray

I was hungry


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