I was awake earlier to get some things done without disturbing their schedule. As soon as they woke and I smothered them with birthday hugs and kisses they decided to watch a bit of the Disney channel and of course eat fruit snacks and drink chocolate with strawberry milk.
They always want to put on make up so after they were dolled up we headed to McDonalds for breakfast.
Today they decided to play and then eat and then play some more. Typically I would insist they eat first but I let it slide, no pun intended. After we were done and I doused them in hand sanitizer we went to Target for them to spend their birthday money. It was funny because when we got to the cashier I gave the girls their money so they can pay the cashier themselves. Adisyn handed her a five dollar bill. She didn’t want to give up her money. I can relate. We had a conversation about how she can earn more money so we may incorporate a chore schedule so they can learn how to earn and save. Hopefully.
What they picked out. And the monkeys had to be in the picture too. Ava finally got her “little” Legos.
After shopping we headed to park for some outside fun.
The infamous monkeys they haven’t been away from other than bath time since their party.
kid approved snacks.
After swinging and their cheeks turning bright red from the heat it was time to head home and paint our nails. The girls don’t ask for help anymore they prefer to paint their own. Which are without a doubt “rainbow” colors. ALWAYS.
After relaxing for a bit it was time for an early dinner so we took them to Peter Piper Pizza. They had an absolute blast!!!
After much determination the girls finally got the 300 ticket winner (well the adults won it for them). The girls actually made out good and got a total of 1040 tickets.
Faces of focus…
This was the best I could get while they were playing on the slide. They were laughing so hard it was priceless to witness.
They ate candy before dinner and actually didn’t eat pizza until we were in the car. They were just too busy to eat.
For dessert we had frozen yogurt to finish the festivities.
The day was a success!
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