I can not believe it! But its true we’re expecting! For years Shawn and I have gone back and fourth with the big decision of expanding our family or not. For the most part having another child to raise wasn’t what scared us, despite being the hardest thing I have ever done, but the pregnancy did! What we went through as a family during the pregnancy with the girls was the biggest struggle of our lives. To think of planning to put ourselves through that again is why we have waited 6 years to finalize our decision. One night we were sitting on the couch just Shawn and I unwinding after putting the kids to bed. He looked at me and said “I want to have another baby”. This time he said it differently than ever before. The weird thing is I was thinking hard about the same thing only days before, but didn’t tell him the thoughts that kept consuming my day. It was at that point we decided its now or never. I’m not getting any younger and neither are the girls- I’ve always wanted my kids somewhat close in age.
The pregnancy surprisingly happened very quickly. I told Shawn that I was feeling different. I could feel something going on during conception. I thought I am crazy its just not possible. I did some research and I guess it it possible. I told Shawn the same week we conceived that I was pregnant. Of course he laughed and thought there is no way. Finally the day came, the first day of my missed period. I am very regular so my feelings were even more concrete but the test would be the definitive answer. This time Shawn wanted to see the test before I did. After taking the test I set it on the counter and quickly covered it with the box so I couldn’t cheat and take a peak. 5 minutes later Shawn revealed what I knew to be true. He turned to me holding the test pressing his lips together not knowing whether to cry or laugh. He showed the test to me and it was positive. First thing I said was “I knew it!” We hugged each other and cried. It was a very special moment that I will always remember. The experience has been different planning to have a baby as compared to before being too young and a total surprise.
Two of the four tests I took. I guess Shawn really wanted to make sure.
About a week later we shared our news with the girls and close family. With the girls we sat them down on the couch and explained they’re going to be a big sister. They were so excited! Adisyn, being the drama princess she is, closed her eyes and fell backwards as if she passed out. Ava looked at me with a smile and said “good for you!” LOL these kids are just the best! They can not wait for the baby to come! They don’t understand why it takes so long. They want to take the baby to the park and go down the slide. They also said they would help change diapers, even the poop-ey ones. We’ll see how true that is! Ava has been very protective of me. Whenever Shawn and I are playing around being silly. Ava will sternly look at Shawn pointing her finger saying “you don’t do that to my Mommy, she has a baby in her belly.” Adisyn has been very sweet too. She LOVES to give the baby kisses by kissing my belly. They both ask how the baby is doing almost daily and are concerned even about the foods I’m eating. They are going to the best big sisters and it just makes us so happy that their dreams are coming true to have another sibling. They’ve been asking for years.
The pictures we used to share the news with family:
I knew I did not want to ever deliver at Chandler Hospital ever again!! I am still surprised how rude some of the nurses were to me. Anyway, I wanted a very experienced doctor that came highly recommended. I asked around work with some of my close friends. Turns out they all go to the same doctor plus I happened to meet our doctors wife before. I thought okay we’ll give it a shot. I called to schedule an appointment and he prefers to not see expecting mothers until 10 weeks. At first I was thinking are you kidding me!? I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. Then I was reminded from my pregnancy with the girls. There really isn’t much to be done the first scary 10 weeks anyway. The next 6 weeks dragged on forever!
Finally the day came. When we first found out we were pregnant I got very bloated quickly. I panicked thinking oh no we are having twins again! We were scheduled for ultrasound first and then consultation with the doctor afterwards. Memory of the last experience with girls flooded my mind. Oh the torture of making someone pregnant drink 32 ounces of water and not being able to go pee! Awful. I chugged the last few sips of my water just before we were called back. I laid down and was surprised how different I felt. With the girls laying down was a struggle, I was sweating and doing everything I could to not make a huge mess on that table. This time it was fine. A much easier experience. We have seen ultrasounds before so we were both thinking pleases be one, please be one. There he/she was on the screen in front of us. I said with a sigh of relief “there’s only one!” I then explained we have a set of twins already. Then I hear Shawn ask “Are you sure there is only one?” She laughed politely and said yes only one. Phew what a relief. And what was even better the baby is doing great. We were laughing at how much our little nugget was moving around. She could barely get a picture. It was so cute!
Meet DeLeon baby #3
(this is the longest post in Deleon Dialogue history)
Gender: ?
Size of Baby: Large raspberry
Cravings: salty foods and sour candy
Aversions: sweets
What I miss: a cold beer or margarita or wine
What I love: the excitement of the girls
Thoughts: Am I really pregnant?!
Gender: ?
Size of baby: A prune
Cravings: Ice cream
Aversions: Steak. I haven’t had any to eat lately but the thought of it grosses me out!
What I miss: still a cold a beer but also my patience. I have had a very short fuse lately and have been moody. Ugh, Sorry family!
What I love: Seeing our baby for the first time at our 10 week appointment
Thoughts: Relieved our baby is healthy at this point and everything, including me, looks perfect! And that we found out for sure we are only expecting ONE! I am so excited to experience this bond with just one baby.
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