
12-15 weeks left!  (Hopefully, crossing our fingers)

Size of baby:  Ear of corn

Cravings:  chocolate and Mexican food specifically chips and salsa.

Aversions:  None

What I miss:  Sleeping.  Being more active.  I have started walking the girls to school which there and back is a little over half a mile.  I feel like walking has helped my pelvic ligament pain a little bit.  Wine.  Margarita.  More regular bowel movements, dried prunes have saved me!  Despite some nights having insomnia or getting up 4 times to go pee I have been more tired than usual.  Baby girl must be having a huge growth spurt.

What I love:  Baby girl has been more active at least that I can feel.  Sometimes it feels like she's jumping up and down on my uterus like a trampoline.  I feel like over the next few weeks will be her most active.  She will still has room to move around and is strong enough for us to feel her and I have seen her move watching my belly, Shawn has even witnessed her kicks from a distance away.  Now that I've reached 24 weeks I get to hear her heartbeat every week when my nurse comes.  Yah!  I didn't know they would be doing that so it has completely made my week and gives me more to look forward to.  Only 12 more shots!  Another thing I love is how well my complexion has been while pregnant.  I remember it was the same with the girls.  Girl hormones work well for my skin.

Thoughts:  This week was special.  Not only did I get to hear her heart beat, which is perfect, but the girls felt their sister kick for the first time.  It was a precious moment to see the excitement in their eyes and smile.  In the words of Adisyn "She kicked so hard"!  They are so in love with her and so are we!  I have been having round ligament pain fortunately it only last for a second and hasn't been consistent yet.  I think I may have had some braxton hicks also.  Not exactly sure but we have an appointment next week so I will find out.   I have noticed that I haven't been doing as good with water consumption so that will need to change.  Her nursery is coming along and I can't wait to show it off.  Sometimes I hang out in there by myself.  Shawn and I have wondered what she will look like.  Most likely she will look just like her beautiful sisters but it would be kind of cool if she looked different.  We can but can't wait to meet you baby girl!



 Well the day has come.  We officially have first graders.  The girls school is now changing their schedule to a modified year round and early release on Wednesdays.  Lucky girls.  This year the girls are in different classes.  Shawn and I had talked about what the right decision was over and over.  There are so many articles that have both views so it seems to be more of case to case basis. Being a parent of multiples is tough!  I was more comfortable with them being separated more so than Shawn.  Ultimately after talking to the principal we agreed with their recommendation to have different teachers.  So yesterday was tough for us.  Mostly me and pregnancy hormones did not help at all.  The morning of they were nervous especially Ava but I think it helped a little that both Mom and Dad were able to be there to drop them off and pick them up.  Ava was hesitant to walk away from us but she did and we are proud.  Its so hard to see your kids go through tough life changes even though you know its best for them.  It was the longest amount of time they have been apart for nearly 7 years.  The day dragged on forever.  We couldn't wait to hear how their day was.  They both did great!  They were excited to tell us the friends they had in their class.  They also both had a little melt down.  We made it clear to their teachers that separation anxiety was a concern for us so I'm hoping they were somewhat sensitive to their needs.  They did sit across from each other at lunch and we noticed as soon as they were released from their classes they searched for each other.  Overall the day was a success and with time we will all being doing much better with this adjustment.

We are so proud of you girls!  To finish the day with a bang we took them for a sweet treat.  Once we headed home they brushed their teeth and passed out cold.  First grade is exhausting.



Yikes... could be only 15-17 weeks!

Size  of Baby:  spaghetti squash and she is over 1 lb.

Cravings:  Ice cream has been a weakness.

Aversions:  Nothing.

What I miss:  Still better sleep and laying on my stomach or back.  Sometimes I will cheat for a few minutes and lay on my back just for a quick stretch then its back to my side.  My pregnancy hormone relaxin (who came up with that name?) is in full gear ready for her arrival.  I've been having discomfort from my pelvic ligaments loosening.  It hurts to get up from sitting or laying down otherwise I don't notice it.  I did not experience this with the girls so this is new to me.  The best way I can describe it is if you've ever attempted the splits and you feel that stretching (with much more discomfort). Too bad I couldn't tell my body that she will be born cesarean.  I also have been having back pain and beginning to notice minor swelling.  The swelling which is a normal side effect is not very comforting for Shawn to see.  Even though I try to convince him that during pregnancy the body produces 25%  to 40% more fluids and blood and some swelling is expected.  So more feet elevation for me to ease our minds and to keep swelling at a minimum, to the best of my ability.  Thank you pregnancy hormones.

What I love:  This angel moves a lot.  I've heard that's a good thing.  Sometimes she is very active for a few hours and then maybe gets tired and takes a nap.  I have enjoyed it so much!  I remember with the girls how neat it was also but I had more pain with their movements vs hers.  Which makes sense they were just crowded.  Ava asks me almost daily if she can feel her move.  I've put her hand on my belly a few times but she gets impatient to wait for her to move.  Seems whenever I point out that she's moving, she stops.  I'm excited for them to feel her move.  They are obsessed with her already and it makes my heart melt.  She has eyebrows and eyelashes and if she is anything like our other daughters she is already growing hair on her little head.  She can also hear my voice.  So neat!

Thoughts:  As I'm 3 days away from being 5 months pregnant.  I really feel pregnant now.  Still this pregnancy has been easier but prior to a few weeks ago it wasn't too bad.  Now I'm feeling it.  I have become a house hermit, I dread going out in the heat.  This is the first summer ever that I can not wait for it to be over!!!  This heat is a million times worse being pregnant.  We are going to start painting her room this weekend and I am excited about it.  I'm also excited to get back into shape and look forward to welcoming tough workouts into my daily routine again.



We again headed up north this year.  The weather could not have been better.  We spent more time outside than inside.  We got some good rain here and there and cuddled with blankets and sweaters.  The kids enjoyed playing in the dirt, finding bugs, playing in the rain and pretending to be a server at a restaurant.

We took the girls to Show Low park for them to burn some energy.  Of course they loved it.  Shawn and I lounged in the grass under a huge tree watching them have fun. 

With the fire restrictions lifted we enjoyed the fire outside and naturally made s'mores.  Ava made her own version of two pieces of  chocolate with a graham cracker inside.  Adisyn made her own version as well with chocolate and marshmallow between. Pure genius!

The next day was The 4th of July.  Something about the small town feel really brings a smile to my face.  We again made it to the parade.  The weather was awesome.  We got a few sprinkles which didn't last long.  This year they were asked to not pass out candy to prevent the kids from running in the street.  Boring!  The candy is the best part for the kids which makes it the best part for us.  A few rebelled by handing out treats so it was a success.

Later in the evening we decided to take the girls to Show Low Freedomfest.  Shawn and I went about 7 years ago and it was the best firework show ever.  It was the best time and the perfect way to end one of my favorite holidays.  We arrived a little early so we let the girls play on the bounce houses, danced to the several bands that played and indulged with kettle corn and cotton candy, can't believe how fast they devoured it, and finally snuggling up watching the best firework show.

We were pleasantly surprised the rain held off.  The girls sat on our laps and I could feel baby Reece kicking.  It was a priceless moment and the perfect evening.


I've made it over the half way mark!

Gender:  Girl (yes babe she's still a girl)

Size of Baby:  small cantaloupe.  As of 19 weeks, 4 days she weighed 11 ounces and is measuring a little ahead of schedule.  The tech asked it we have big babies.  Not sure if that means she anticipates her to be a healthy size.  Bring on the newborn rolls!

Cravings:  salads, fruit, frozen yogurt, chocolate chip cookies, brownies.

Aversions:  nothing.  It appears the sweets thing is gone.

What I miss:  Better sleep.  It hasn't been horrible but its not like it used to be.  I'm a very light sleeper now and wake up through out the night a lot, not only to go to the bathroom.  I caved and bought a  pregnancy pillow, love it.  I figured it will be comfortable even after this pregnancy.
So do the girls...

What I love:  I feel like this week there is a lot more to love.  As I approach my due date the anticipation builds up more and more.  We've started clearing out the nursery and bought the paint.  I can't help but walk by her room to visualize how it will look and imagine myself snuggling her at night.  This week was our anatomy ultrasound.  It was the best!  We spent over an hour with the tech.  After getting important measurements and necessary pictures we watched her wiggle, punch, kick and swallow.  She was a bit camera shy at times.  The tech wanted to get a 4D profile but baby girl kept pushing her shoulder up towards her chin. It was cute to see her.  A couple of times I could feel her kick and move and watch her on the screen at the same time.  Words can't describe how I felt.  Her heart beat is great and the tech showed us all four chambers.  This makes me more excited to meet her.  I won't have another ultrasound until closer to the due date so I'm happy we got a disk. We have an appointment with Dr. Huish next week. I'm optimistic she is healthy.

***update:  we had our appointment with Dr. Huish today.  My weight gain has been more than I wanted although within normal/healthy limits.  The placenta is low (not previa) however he isn't concerned and says it will move upward as the pregnancy progresses.  My stomach is measuring at 22 weeks.  Baby is measuring ahead of schedule as well but my due date will not be changed as of yet.  She is just growing very well.  Baby is healthy with zero abnormalities.  Now if only we can stay on this track until mid November.  After 36 weeks they will no longer stop labor if she were to come that early (please cook until 39 weeks).  Dr. Huish made me feel comfortable that there is a very high possibility he will be doing the surgery/delivery if I went into labor sooner however I have heard great things about his on call doctors so I am relieved.

Thoughts:  The girls have been baby doll crazy.  They insist to take their babies everywhere we go and of course sleeping with them.  They have been helping with dishes too.  They love it especially Adisyn.  As soon as she wakes up in the morning first thing she asks is are there any dishes to wash.  I'm taking full advantage because this I know will not last.  I can also feel her kicks getting stronger and more frequent.  My baby girl is getting big.  I've been thinking how miserable it is to be outside in the heat, unless in a pool, but am grateful I won't be pregnant during the holidays.  This pregnancy has still been much easier and still the shots are going great.  Only 16 more!


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