
I've made it over the half way mark!

Gender:  Girl (yes babe she's still a girl)

Size of Baby:  small cantaloupe.  As of 19 weeks, 4 days she weighed 11 ounces and is measuring a little ahead of schedule.  The tech asked it we have big babies.  Not sure if that means she anticipates her to be a healthy size.  Bring on the newborn rolls!

Cravings:  salads, fruit, frozen yogurt, chocolate chip cookies, brownies.

Aversions:  nothing.  It appears the sweets thing is gone.

What I miss:  Better sleep.  It hasn't been horrible but its not like it used to be.  I'm a very light sleeper now and wake up through out the night a lot, not only to go to the bathroom.  I caved and bought a  pregnancy pillow, love it.  I figured it will be comfortable even after this pregnancy.
So do the girls...

What I love:  I feel like this week there is a lot more to love.  As I approach my due date the anticipation builds up more and more.  We've started clearing out the nursery and bought the paint.  I can't help but walk by her room to visualize how it will look and imagine myself snuggling her at night.  This week was our anatomy ultrasound.  It was the best!  We spent over an hour with the tech.  After getting important measurements and necessary pictures we watched her wiggle, punch, kick and swallow.  She was a bit camera shy at times.  The tech wanted to get a 4D profile but baby girl kept pushing her shoulder up towards her chin. It was cute to see her.  A couple of times I could feel her kick and move and watch her on the screen at the same time.  Words can't describe how I felt.  Her heart beat is great and the tech showed us all four chambers.  This makes me more excited to meet her.  I won't have another ultrasound until closer to the due date so I'm happy we got a disk. We have an appointment with Dr. Huish next week. I'm optimistic she is healthy.

***update:  we had our appointment with Dr. Huish today.  My weight gain has been more than I wanted although within normal/healthy limits.  The placenta is low (not previa) however he isn't concerned and says it will move upward as the pregnancy progresses.  My stomach is measuring at 22 weeks.  Baby is measuring ahead of schedule as well but my due date will not be changed as of yet.  She is just growing very well.  Baby is healthy with zero abnormalities.  Now if only we can stay on this track until mid November.  After 36 weeks they will no longer stop labor if she were to come that early (please cook until 39 weeks).  Dr. Huish made me feel comfortable that there is a very high possibility he will be doing the surgery/delivery if I went into labor sooner however I have heard great things about his on call doctors so I am relieved.

Thoughts:  The girls have been baby doll crazy.  They insist to take their babies everywhere we go and of course sleeping with them.  They have been helping with dishes too.  They love it especially Adisyn.  As soon as she wakes up in the morning first thing she asks is are there any dishes to wash.  I'm taking full advantage because this I know will not last.  I can also feel her kicks getting stronger and more frequent.  My baby girl is getting big.  I've been thinking how miserable it is to be outside in the heat, unless in a pool, but am grateful I won't be pregnant during the holidays.  This pregnancy has still been much easier and still the shots are going great.  Only 16 more!

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