5-7 WEEKS! (Shawn gets nervous when I mention how soon she will be here, I on the other hand am so READY!)
Size of Baby: Head of Lettuce (?)
Cravings: Salt and Sweet. I've been really good at limiting my sugar intake despite wanting to devour an entire batch of brownies. I really haven't had any sugar other than from fruit.
Aversions: None
What I love: Baby girl has been waking me up at least twice a week with kicking or hiccups. I feel like with how little sleep I'm getting my body is gearing up for her arrival and night time feedings. Her kicks are so much stronger and I love feeling her move! She seems to react to loudness and also rubbing my belly. Its like she knows I'm loving on her when I touch my belly or rub it. Its cute. Not sure if she really does notice but like I mentioned she does move and kick. I'm getting more and more excited for her arrival and to not be pregnant ever again!!! (Ever, Shawn!)
Thoughts: It's getting surreal how close it is for her arrival. I'm really hoping she stays until November. Even if its November 1st. If things continue to progress the way they've been then I'm optimistic she will wait until 39 weeks. I've been getting some nervousness about the epidural. I don't know why of all things that's what I'm freaking out the most about. When I had my epidural with the girls I didn't feel a thing. The only explanation I can come up with is when I was pregnant with the girls I knew they were going to be born cesarean but we didn't know when, everyday was a guessing game. This time around we have a date, something that never happened with the girls. I'm still measuring a week ahead of where I actually am so she is still growing well. Can't believe I've had 17 shots, the side effects or getting the shot itself don't really bother me but I don't enjoy them by any means.
4 more shots!!!!! yah!!!!!
4 more weeks until we get our last ultrasound! I can not wait to see her and how big she is getting.
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