Our Wedding Day


Our Wedding Day was one of the best days of my life.  I could not ask for a better husband and extended family.  The entire day I had butterflies in my stomach, trying so hard not to let my eyes tear up.  My dream was coming true... I found my prince charming. I was concentrating on soaking up every moment becuase I knew it wouldn't last long as it didn't!  Once people started coming and I saw part of Shawn's arm through the window I was overwhelmed with excitement.  I was just waiting to break down hysterically.  As I'm walking down the isle I'm thinking how am going to do this in front of all these amazing people.  Then a huge smile presented itself on my face... I saw him... Shawn.  From that moment on I knew everything was going to be okay!!  Of course I lost it during our vows, fortunatley it was at the end.  Oh and we missed the part when we actually put the rings on eachother. What can I say, that is totally us, so it made the experience even better. Unfortunaley I don't have many pictures from my camera however, the proffesional pictures will be coming soon.  April 17, 2010 was a day I will never forget!!!!  It was perfect and I wouldn't change a thing!  Thank you so much to all of those that helped.  And a special thanks to Connie and Bob we appreciate more than you know!  Love you Mom and Dad!

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