
Can't believe you're already one month old. I count my lucky stars that I met you and that I'm lucky enough to be your Mom. You've brought so much joy to our lives in such a short amount of time.
I love the way you fall asleep hard on my chest as if there is no other place you'd rather be. The way you stare at your sisters in utter amusement. The way you stretch your legs straight out and spread your fingers and toes when you're eating in pure fulfillment.  Your more vocal cry is both heartbreaking and the cutest thing ever. The sparkle in your eye and the chub on your cheeks that make it nearly impossible to lay you down. The way you yearn for Daddy's arm in desperation there will be milk in there. The way you smack your lips when you're done eating. The way you grip my finger like you never want to let go.  Your delicate whimpers that leave your Mom and Dad in awe. Awe that you're ours. How you fall asleep with your tiny pinky up. Nothing melts my heart more than seeing your adorable smile that I know is from something other than happiness.

You love your swing, eating, staring at the tv and your wild sisters. You enjoy walks in the stroller and being swaddled.  You grunt all. The. Time. When you're hungry you always grab a hold of your face and ears more than Mom and Dad like.  Unlike your sisters you're very clear about letting us know when it's time to eat!

You don't like diaper changes, baths, and getting in your car seat, taking new born photos.

Reece, you have complete me, you've complete us! Because of you my heart has never felt so full. We love you darling baby girl.

Today we had her one month appointment.  She is growing well!  Phew.  The MA got all of her measurements and I could tell she needed a diaper change.  I decided to change her before heading to the scale and... She pooped all over the table, TWICE!  We quickly got her weighed and then got a fresh diaper on asap.

We go back in two weeks for a weight check since she is preemie gaining weight is even more crucial.

We've had lots of firsts these few weeks she's been home.

First Bath: She hated it.  Hence the after picture with her hand over her face.

First tummy time:  She hated it!  After a few minutes she falls asleep but I've been consistent with trying 30 minutes per day.

When it comes to sleeping well, we get none.  Okay that's a little dramatic but she wakes up about every 3 hours to eat.  She does well with her feedings other than taking her time.  She falls asleep a lot so it takes sometimes an hour to be done and ready to lay her down again.  We're all still trying to adjust to this transition.  Shawn has been taking the girls to school in the morning but I do pick them up often.

She mostly gets her milk from bottle but I will nurse her sometimes too.  She does well with both but it does take her a bit to figure it out.  She is a messy eater and leaks a lot.

The girls are loving her being home finally.  Of course the day before we brought her home Ava started to complain of sore throat and not feeling well.  Really?  So we tried to make them keep their distance which hasn't been easy.  I think it ended up being allergies because thankfully it never developed into a cold. We've ventured out to the store once but she wasn't out of her car seat the entire time.  We've been cautious due to cold/flu season.

One Month

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