
Happy Five Months Baby Girl!

I can't believe how quickly this little girl is growing up.  She has been so much fun and such a joy. She has blown me away with some of the things she has learned.  Her new trick is to stick her tongue out copying Daddy.  Its the cutest thing and I really need to get a video to document.

She is growing well weighing about 14 lbs according to our at home calculations.

She loves to hold her bottle and grab toys, blankets, or anything that is around her (including a dirty diaper once).

She is now eating about 5-6 oz every 1-2 hrs during the day.  Right after her 4 month post she began sleeping through the night!  Yah!  I lay her down about 6:30-7 and she wakes up about 6:30 sometimes a bit earlier and sometimes a bit later.  It has been a little warm in our house lately so I've skipped her sleeper to avoid her getting too warm (for only a few nights, I learned she sleeps much better with it). I woke up a few weeks ago to peek at her through the baby monitor and was surprised to see her on her tummy.  I always lay her down on her back but most mornings she wakes on her tummy.

She is a rolling pro now.  For the past few weeks she has been so close but couldn't quite get her arm out from under her.  Now she rolls from tummy to back and back to tummy no problem which has made diaper changes a bit more difficult.

Here's a video (excuse the few toots at the end, LOL)

Napping has been a struggle.  I feel like she has major fomo. Now that night sleep training is complete its time to work on nap training.  I try to give her three naps during the day and found that she sleeps better when she has napped well.  Lately I've been laying her down in her bed for majority of her naps otherwise she wakes up at the sound a of a pin drop and doesn't go back to sleep.  Granted she is happy and smiling, I know she needs more rest.  She still loves to sleep in her stroller during our daily walks.

We've also started working on sitting up.  She does well sitting in her booster chair and is sometimes only content when she's sitting up watching me or her sisters.  She will even turn her head searching for me when I'm doing some cleaning and walking around.  

Ava and Adisyn are still, not surprising, crazy about her.  They love to hold her and play with her. She just stares, drools, sucks on her hands and giggles at them all the time and its priceless!  Reece has a hard time sometimes keeping an eye on them when they are running around being wild but she loves it!  They have been so helpful when she's being fussy her sisters are there to the rescue.  

We love you baby girl!

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